To 'get rid of this problem' we'd have to 'get rid of' 'our fellow citizens' who also happen to be illegally hiring illegal immigrants. Far too many 'patriotic Americans'--most of whom are rich from this practice alone, much less other nefarious stuff (tax evasion)--go out of their way to look for and hire ANYONE who they see could save them any kind of buck, whether it be pennies or pesos.
When the state of our nation becomes so low we look to actors for guidance, maybe we need a trip to the library. (I know I'm starting shortly).
With all his 'tromp l'oeil' patriotism and comedic political jousting, Colbert helps me get through some of the worst, most destructive political infighting that threatens our future more every day, in ways I'm sure we'll never realize.
I'm glad he submitted his colonoscopy after his opening statement; I'm also glad he was initially regarded with such contempt at today's hearing--otherwise, his attitude and message wouldn't have seen appropriate attention.
But I'm most happy that Colbert is on TV the way he is, that he and Stewart play off each other the way they do, involving us in a healthy way--I don't think it's hurt us at all to laugh at our mistakes (especially those made in the voting booth).
King Lear's 'jester' was also his whipping boy, much despised and mistreated by Lear himself--but even the King needed his 'fool' to tell him the way, tragically all-too-late, as Shakespeare wrote it. What happened in his case wasn't funny either, but certainly preventable, as he failed to see what was going on right under his eyes, and it brought him down, dramatically.
We're the same--we're better than kings here, in the US, so we should treat those we 'work' like slaves a lot better than we would treat ourselves, primarily since all of us 'opt out' of 'that kind of work'.
What is it? Not productive enough? Too 'low' for us? No--it's just too hot.
Colbert was right--but so are those like 'thinkmonkey' who say we still don't need to give it all (gov't assistance) away for free to non-citizens--let them enjoy it when born to it, like we do. Continue taking taxes out, don't give 'em subsidies or ANY other gov't assistance (even money for education), but care enough to treat them with dignity and respect. We may even end up with better neighbors to the south, once they see we're even human anymore.
Back to here and now, with even more to say. I also appreciate the way Colbert plays on John Stewart--it's another healthy aspect of modern American living--an inalienable right we'll all remember long after anything we trod through on C-Span (geez, I hate C-Span).
I enjoy CNN's writing much more than their 'sister station's' devotion to Hollywood, TMZ, and Nancy Grace. It's like watching your legitimate news interest become 'The National Enquirer' or 'The Star'. It's also like the painful process of watching CourtTV change it's name to 'TruTV', in the process dumping legitimately informative, nearly educational programming in favor of scripted--even choreographed--trash TV like 'Operation Repo', 'Full Throttle Saloon', 'Ma's Roadhouse', 'Rehab: Party at the Hard Rock Hotel', 'Party Heat', 'Southern Sting', and 'Conspiracy Theory w/Jesse Ventura'.
In other words, I enjoy reading CNNs news site much more than watching their commercial-laden cable TV drivel, especially any content involving Twitter, Facebook, and even their old stand-by, i-News.
I'd rather watch and read the news than have it texted to me by any kind of media-savvy, borderline 'tweener' media team. Social networking may end up integral to spreading the news, even getting info to it, but opinion and information need to be related to us by those smart enough to relay it properly and reliably.
End of post.